BAUGHMAN born in 1895 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
BAUGHMAN born in 1895 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
OTIS BAUGHMAN | 256-10-0660 | February 9, 1895 | March 1, 1947 | 52 years | ||||||
MILLARD BAUGHMAN | 306-18-7691 | March 2, 1895 | February 1, 1953 | 57 years | ||||||
ROY BAUGHMAN | 558-01-5334 | July 8, 1895 | May 1, 1954 | 58 years | ||||||
GUY BAUGHMAN | 570-09-8417 | March 5, 1895 | July 1, 1966 | 71 years | CA | 92399 (Yucaipa, San Bernardino County) | ||||
LEON BAUGHMAN | 260-22-3175 | April 12, 1895 | August 1, 1967 | 72 years | 31732 | |||||
LEE BAUGHMAN | 568-10-0179 | October 28, 1895 | August 1, 1968 | 72 years | 90742 | |||||
MARK BAUGHMAN | 298-01-5558 | January 29, 1895 | April 1, 1969 | 74 years | OH | 44240 (Kent, Portage County) | ||||
IRIS BAUGHMAN | 443-46-2484 | September 18, 1895 | July 1, 1969 | 73 years | OK | 73106 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County) | ||||
EMMA BAUGHMAN | 298-03-3502 | June 22, 1895 | August 1, 1969 | 74 years | OH | 44313 (Akron, Summit County) | ||||
ESTELLA BAUGHMAN | 296-09-2882 | June 6, 1895 | April 1, 1970 | 74 years | OH | 43040 (Marysville, Union County) | ||||
DALE BAUGHMAN | 369-01-7164 | September 30, 1895 | October 1, 1972 | 77 years | 49718 | |||||
NELLIE BAUGHMAN | 145-10-3186 | September 13, 1895 | August 1, 1973 | 77 years | NJ | 08096 (Woodbury, Gloucester County) | ||||
TONA BAUGHMAN | 362-18-5235 | May 1, 1895 | February 1, 1974 | 78 years | FL | 33125 (Miami, Miami-Dade County) | ||||
MILDRED BAUGHMAN | 279-16-9511 | August 10, 1895 | August 1, 1974 | 78 years | 44451 | |||||
ASHER BAUGHMAN | 274-18-8767 | May 13, 1895 | September 1, 1974 | 79 years | OH | 43310 (Belle Center, Logan County) | ||||
MAE BAUGHMAN | 478-09-7633 | July 8, 1895 | December 1, 1974 | 79 years | MI | 48236 (Grosse Pointe, Wayne County) | ||||
MARY BAUGHMAN | 194-36-2145 | May 25, 1895 | December 1, 1974 | 79 years | PA | 16301 (Oil City, Venango County) | ||||
EARLE BAUGHMAN | 547-22-6521 | May 14, 1895 | January 1, 1975 | 79 years | CA | 93306 (Bakersfield, Kern County) | ||||
MARTIN BAUGHMAN | 299-01-2545 | February 11, 1895 | May 1, 1975 | 80 years | OH | 44310 (Akron, Summit County) | ||||
ORVILLE BAUGHMAN | 315-22-1991 | February 12, 1895 | November 1, 1975 | 80 years | IN | 47373 (Redkey, Jay County) | ||||
CLARA BAUGHMAN | 372-22-5426 | March 4, 1895 | July 1, 1976 | 81 years | MI | 48167 (Northville, Wayne County) | ||||
LESTER BAUGHMAN | 317-10-7920 | September 9, 1895 | November 1, 1978 | 83 years | IN | 46617 (South Bend, St. Joseph County) | 46526 (Goshen, Scott County) | |||
WILLIAM BAUGHMAN | 316-34-7026 | April 29, 1895 | May 1, 1979 | 84 years | 46572 | |||||
DELMORE BAUGHMAN | 375-18-7501 | July 14, 1895 | June 1, 1979 | 83 years | MI | 49348 (Wayland, Allegan County) | 49509 (Grand Rapids, Kent County) | |||
SALLIE BAUGHMAN | 487-36-4834 | August 13, 1895 | July 1, 1979 | 83 years | MO | 64133 (Kansas City, Jackson County) | 64133 (Kansas City, Jackson County) | |||
FRED BAUGHMAN | 312-28-6507 | May 24, 1895 | June 1, 1980 | 85 years | IN | 46755 (Kendallville, Noble County) | ||||
GERTRUDE BAUGHMAN | 441-64-0769 | April 9, 1895 | September 1, 1980 | 85 years | OK | 74447 (Okmulgee, Okmulgee County) | ||||
MABEL BAUGHMAN | 293-20-8037 | May 16, 1895 | February 1, 1981 | 85 years | OH | 44216 (Clinton, Clinton County) | 44614 (Canal Fulton, Stark County) | |||
MARY BAUGHMAN | 325-58-1603 | February 8, 1895 | February 1, 1981 | 85 years | IL | 62523 (Decatur, Macon County) | ||||
ELIZABETH BAUGHMAN | 319-56-9652 | January 28, 1895 | March 1, 1982 | 87 years | IL | 61401 (Galesburg, Knox County) | ||||
BYRL BAUGHMAN | 333-07-3059 | December 4, 1895 | December 1, 1982 | 86 years | IL | 61443 (Kewanee, Henry County) | ||||
MARY BAUGHMAN | 312-40-6211 | April 17, 1895 | January 1, 1983 | 87 years | IN | 46135 (Greencastle, Putnam County) | ||||
ZELMA BAUGHMAN | 182-22-4389 | September 7, 1895 | December 1, 1983 | 88 years | PA | 15537 (Everett, Bedford County) | ||||
GUY BAUGHMAN | 560-10-1769 | April 27, 1895 | March 1, 1984 | 88 years | CA | 94930 (Fairfax, Marin County) | ||||
BLANCHE BAUGHMAN | 201-18-6030 | April 8, 1895 | December 1, 1985 | 90 years | PA | 17013 (Carlisle, Cumberland County) | ||||
GUY BAUGHMAN | 232-22-7521 | January 12, 1895 | August 1, 1986 | 91 years | 26660 | |||||
ALFRED D BAUGHMAN | 283-07-6410 | June 19, 1895 | January 25, 1988 | 92 years | 92640 | |||||
EVERETT BAUGHMAN | 289-01-6730 | April 12, 1895 | November 14, 1988 | 93 years | OH | 45780 (The Plains, Athens County) | ||||
MARY M BAUGHMAN | 369-34-4044 | April 16, 1895 | June 1, 1989 | 94 years | MI | 49203 (Jackson, Jackson County) | ||||
ETHEL M BAUGHMAN | 553-46-7210 | February 27, 1895 | March 1, 1990 | 95 years | ||||||
JOHN A BAUGHMAN | 162-26-2858 | December 22, 1895 | June 12, 1990 | 94 years |
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- Popularity of last name BAUGHMAN in year 2000: 0.005% (13847 people). This puts this last name on the 2503rd place on the most common names list in the USA
- Other people with last name BAUGHMAN:
- BAUGHMAN born in 1918
- BAUGHMAN born in 1886
- BAUGHMAN born in 1939
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