DOWNS born in 1955 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors |
Name | | SSN  | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) |
ROBERT DOWNS | | 451-06-1530 | February 16, 1955 | November 1, 1977 | 22 years | CA | | 93534 (Lancaster, Los Angeles County) |
M E DOWNS | | 565-96-6756 | March 7, 1955 | July 1, 1988 | 33 years | | | |
RICKI S DOWNS | | 295-56-5270 | March 4, 1955 | December 6, 1989 | 34 years | OH | 43543 (Montpelier, Williams County) | |
BRIAN T DOWNS | | 329-52-9886 | May 28, 1955 | August 11, 1993 | 38 years | IL | 60411 (Chicago Heights, Cook County) | |
R K DOWNS | | 430-88-2921 | July 28, 1955 | September 1, 1993 | 38 years | | | |
ROBERT C DOWNS | | 217-72-9178 | March 8, 1955 | September 1, 1993 | 38 years | MD | 20754 (Dunkirk, Calvert County) | 20754 (Dunkirk, Calvert County) |
MARK A DOWNS | | 373-56-2518 | May 24, 1955 | September 16, 1994 | 39 years | | | |
LISA A DOWNS | | 156-44-3277 | March 30, 1955 | August 1, 1995 | 40 years | | | |
ROSEMARY DOWNS | | 025-44-6440 | May 9, 1955 | February 11, 1998 | 42 years | | | |
WILLIAM A DOWNS | | 125-48-9996 | January 3, 1955 | February 15, 1998 | 43 years | FL | 33324 (Davie, Broward County) | |
NANCY L DOWNS | | 386-60-8024 | December 19, 1955 | March 22, 1998 | 42 years | MI | 49201 (Jackson, Jackson County) | |
BARB DOWNS | | 008-46-6541 | February 15, 1955 | May 18, 2000 | 45 years | | | |
RONALD R DOWNS | | 305-64-3025 | January 23, 1955 | May 2, 2002 | 47 years | IN | 47374 (Richmond, Wayne County) | |
JOHN A DOWNS | | 248-08-9553 | November 5, 1955 | February 19, 2003 | 47 years | SC | 29706 (Chester, Chester County) | |
PERRY M DOWNS | | 244-96-1983 | July 3, 1955 | March 23, 2003 | 47 years | | | |
TIMOTHY J DOWNS | | 558-08-5012 | September 19, 1955 | October 16, 2004 | 49 years | | | |
SALLY DOWNS | | 130-48-4314 | December 10, 1955 | November 11, 2004 | 48 years | | | |
RANDALL C DOWNS | | 309-64-2761 | September 6, 1955 | November 27, 2004 | 49 years | | | |
VICTORIA DOWNS | | 255-92-1036 | May 6, 1955 | December 30, 2005 | 50 years | GA | 31749 (Enigma, Berrien County) | |
RICKEY RENEY DOWNS | | 456-98-1571 | August 7, 1955 | March 31, 2006 | 50 years | TX | 75216 (Dallas, Dallas County) | |
SCOTT C DOWNS | | 383-64-1993 | October 26, 1955 | June 21, 2006 | 50 years | MI | 49417 (Grand Haven, Ottawa County) | |
BETTIE J DOWNS | | 573-13-3422 | September 8, 1955 | August 29, 2006 | 50 years | MO | 65803 (Springfield, Greene County) | |
ANA LORENA DOWNS | | 065-50-5507 | August 21, 1955 | October 11, 2006 | 51 years | | 11237 | |
MARILYN R DOWNS | | 568-96-6171 | February 1, 1955 | December 4, 2006 | 51 years | | 95546 | |
ANDREW R DOWNS | | 311-62-6997 | March 12, 1955 | February 3, 2007 | 51 years | | | |
LINDA K DOWNS | | 405-84-6004 | July 19, 1955 | April 19, 2008 | 52 years | | | |
STEVEN D DOWNS | | 404-82-5989 | June 4, 1955 | May 28, 2009 | 53 years | KY | 40205 (Kingsley, Jefferson County) | |
Death statistics by year for last name DOWNS
Average age at death for last name DOWNS
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Death statistics by state for last name DOWNS
Last name popularity statistics for persons named DOWNS per 10,000 residents in every state
First name popularity statistics for year 1990
- Popularity of last name DOWNS in year 2000: 0.012% (33494 people). This puts this last name on the 970th place on the most common names list in the USA
Based on public records. Inadvertent errors are possible. does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Use at your own risk.