HENDERSHOT born in 1898 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
HENDERSHOT born in 1898 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
LESTER HENDERSHOT | 177-18-3029 | June 3, 1898 | April 1, 1961 | 62 years | ||||||
HARRY HENDERSHOT | 382-09-7697 | December 26, 1898 | November 1, 1967 | 68 years | MI | 48910 (Lansing, Ingham County) | ||||
ANNA HENDERSHOT | 202-28-6096 | April 29, 1898 | December 1, 1967 | 69 years | ||||||
CLYDE HENDERSHOT | 281-12-3659 | December 15, 1898 | July 1, 1969 | 70 years | OH | 44702 (Canton, Stark County) | ||||
WAYMOND HENDERSHOT | 234-03-5246 | September 22, 1898 | January 1, 1970 | 71 years | OH | 44646 (Massillon, Stark County) | ||||
FORD HENDERSHOT | 369-09-3926 | October 13, 1898 | October 1, 1973 | 74 years | 33821 | |||||
DEWEY HENDERSHOT | 505-30-9248 | June 8, 1898 | November 1, 1974 | 76 years | NE | 69152 (Mullen, Hooker County) | ||||
BERTHA HENDERSHOT | 578-03-0213 | February 11, 1898 | June 1, 1975 | 77 years | DC | 20002 (Washington, District of Columbia County) | ||||
ELSIE HENDERSHOT | 377-36-2153 | December 15, 1898 | July 1, 1976 | 77 years | MI | 48471 (Sandusky, Sanilac County) | ||||
EDITH HENDERSHOT | 233-26-2332 | October 25, 1898 | August 1, 1977 | 78 years | OH | 44305 (Akron, Summit County) | 26101 (Parkersburg, Wood County) | |||
GEORGE HENDERSHOT | 297-05-5719 | November 4, 1898 | October 1, 1977 | 78 years | CA | 95125 (San Jose, Santa Clara County) | 95050 (Santa Clara, Santa Clara County) | |||
CARL HENDERSHOT | 478-38-0580 | February 4, 1898 | January 1, 1979 | 80 years | IA | 52544 (Centerville, Appanoose County) | ||||
HARRY HENDERSHOT | 294-03-4392 | February 10, 1898 | April 1, 1979 | 81 years | OH | 44646 (Massillon, Stark County) | ||||
SIMON HENDERSHOT | 450-60-3071 | February 25, 1898 | July 1, 1980 | 82 years | 78632 | |||||
RUTH HENDERSHOT | 157-18-8998 | January 15, 1898 | August 1, 1980 | 82 years | NJ | 07882 (Brass Castle, Warren County) | 07882 (Brass Castle, Warren County) | |||
ALICE HENDERSHOT | 291-12-3688 | April 13, 1898 | December 1, 1982 | 84 years | OH | 43793 (Woodsfield, Monroe County) | ||||
MARGARET HENDERSHOT | 166-20-4808 | December 15, 1898 | December 1, 1983 | 84 years | PA | 17011 (Camp Hill, Cumberland County) | ||||
HILDA HENDERSHOT | 146-01-0025 | September 17, 1898 | November 1, 1984 | 86 years | NJ | 07470 (Wayne, Passaic County) | ||||
GEORGE HENDERSHOT | 568-07-3095 | December 16, 1898 | January 1, 1987 | 88 years | CA | 90006 (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County) | 90006 (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County) | |||
MARGARET R HENDERSHOT | 157-16-9618 | June 8, 1898 | February 26, 1988 | 89 years | NJ | 08833 (Lebanon, Hunterdon County) | ||||
LILLIE V HENDERSHOT | 268-48-6871 | December 29, 1898 | September 12, 1996 | 97 years | OH | 43950 (St. Clairsville, Belmont County) |
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- Popularity of last name HENDERSHOT in year 2000: 0.002% (5967 people). This puts this last name on the 5743rd place on the most common names list in the USA
- Other people with last name HENDERSHOT:
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- HENDERSHOT born in 1918
- Last name HENDERSHOT from 7860 zip code area
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