HILLER born in 1886 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors |
Name | | SSN ![info ssn](/images/information.png) | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) |
ISIDORE HILLER | | 082-09-5086 | June 6, 1886 | February 1, 1963 | 76 years | | | |
NICHOLAS HILLER | | 506-36-1867 | October 14, 1886 | July 1, 1963 | 76 years | | | |
WRAY HILLER | | 472-10-5736 | May 15, 1886 | January 1, 1964 | 77 years | | | |
HENRY HILLER | | 279-38-9501 | January 9, 1886 | March 1, 1966 | 80 years | OH | 45822 (Celina, Mercer County) | |
MOSES HILLER | | 055-09-3555 | August 10, 1886 | December 1, 1966 | 80 years | | 11229 | |
JONAS HILLER | | 106-18-4581 | May 23, 1886 | December 1, 1966 | 80 years | | | |
GERTRUDE HILLER | | 168-38-2624 | May 21, 1886 | January 1, 1970 | 83 years | PA | 19605 (Reading, Berks County) | |
THERESA HILLER | | 069-14-7997 | November 4, 1886 | February 1, 1971 | 84 years | NY | 11426 (Bellerose, Nassau County) | |
AUGUST HILLER | | 095-03-5932 | July 1, 1886 | May 1, 1973 | 86 years | NY | 14219 (Blasdell, Erie County) | |
OLIVE HILLER | | 131-18-7745 | October 12, 1886 | May 1, 1973 | 86 years | FL | 33060 (Pompano Beach, Broward County) | |
CLARA HILLER | | 523-60-5541 | February 10, 1886 | June 1, 1973 | 87 years | CO | 80218 (Denver, Denver County) | |
RUDOLPH HILLER | | 074-10-0920 | July 29, 1886 | January 1, 1975 | 88 years | NY | 13219 (Fairmount, Onondaga County) | |
GEORGIA HILLER | | 559-78-9013 | February 9, 1886 | August 1, 1975 | 89 years | CA | 90042 (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County) | |
SOPHIE HILLER | | 069-52-9945 | July 29, 1886 | January 1, 1979 | 92 years | NY | 11953 (Middle Island, Suffolk County) | |
LUELLA HILLER | | 312-40-0001 | September 26, 1886 | August 1, 1979 | 92 years | IN | 46030 (Arcadia, Hamilton County) | 46030 (Arcadia, Hamilton County) |
ETHEL HILLER | | 440-34-9333 | October 1, 1886 | March 1, 1980 | 93 years | OK | 74003 (Bartlesville, Washington County) | |
GROVER HILLER | | 361-24-7819 | July 11, 1886 | May 1, 1981 | 94 years | WI | 53202 (Milwaukee, Milwaukee County) | |
GESINE HILLER | | 388-38-5244 | August 18, 1886 | June 1, 1981 | 94 years | WI | 54935 (Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County) | |
FRIEDA HILLER | | 130-10-5362 | May 25, 1886 | February 1, 1982 | 95 years | | 10471 | |
ELMER HILLER | | 126-40-0795 | September 11, 1886 | November 1, 1982 | 96 years | NY | 14760 (Olean, Cattaraugus County) | |
BESSIE HILLER | | 367-54-2306 | August 17, 1886 | February 1, 1983 | 96 years | MI | 48504 (Flint, Genesee County) | |
EMMA HILLER | | 351-12-4875 | August 20, 1886 | May 1, 1983 | 96 years | IL | 62901 (Carbondale, Jackson County) | |
LILLIE F HILLER | | 479-44-8987 | February 18, 1886 | September 1, 1990 | 104 years | | | |
Death statistics by year for last name HILLER
Average age at death for last name HILLER
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Death statistics by state for last name HILLER
Last name popularity statistics for persons named HILLER per 10,000 residents in every state
First name popularity statistics for year 1990
- Popularity of last name HILLER in year 2000: 0.003% (9063 people). This puts this last name on the 4529th place on the most common names list in the USA
Based on public records. Inadvertent errors are possible.
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