MERRELL born in 1897 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
MERRELL born in 1897 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
HENRY MERRELL | 194-03-0421 | December 7, 1897 | September 1, 1957 | 59 years | ||||||
LEWIS MERRELL | 307-10-2883 | December 15, 1897 | November 1, 1962 | 64 years | ||||||
LAVINIA MERRELL | 412-36-4146 | December 1, 1897 | January 1, 1968 | 70 years | TN | 37130 (Murfreesboro, Rutherford County) | ||||
WALTER MERRELL | 371-16-4740 | November 28, 1897 | June 1, 1974 | 76 years | FL | 33060 (Pompano Beach, Broward County) | ||||
CAROLINE MERRELL | 458-76-5035 | October 14, 1897 | October 1, 1975 | 77 years | TX | 76901 (San Angelo, Tom Green County) | ||||
EVA MERRELL | 550-03-4980 | December 15, 1897 | August 1, 1976 | 78 years | CA | 90047 (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County) | ||||
EDOM MERRELL | 570-09-7541 | May 13, 1897 | September 1, 1977 | 80 years | CA | 93307 (Bakersfield, Kern County) | 93307 (Bakersfield, Kern County) | |||
MAMIE MERRELL | 465-14-8963 | September 4, 1897 | August 1, 1978 | 80 years | TX | 76073 (Paradise, Wise County) | ||||
VIRGIL MERRELL | 449-54-7771 | February 14, 1897 | February 1, 1979 | 81 years | TX | 78028 (Kerrville, Kerr County) | ||||
FRANK MERRELL | 551-05-1475 | February 12, 1897 | September 1, 1980 | 83 years | CA | 90808 (Long Beach, Los Angeles County) | ||||
OCIE MERRELL | 245-52-1513 | December 10, 1897 | June 1, 1981 | 83 years | NC | 28739 (Hendersonville, Henderson County) | ||||
RALPH MERRELL | 337-10-5507 | October 6, 1897 | January 1, 1982 | 84 years | WA | 98022 (Enumclaw, King County) | ||||
CLARENCE MERRELL | 149-20-7213 | May 1, 1897 | August 1, 1983 | 86 years | FL | 33709 (Kenneth City, Pinellas County) | ||||
MAUDE MERRELL | 389-68-0054 | July 1, 1897 | January 1, 1984 | 86 years | WI | 54601 (La Crosse, La Crosse County) | ||||
BARBARA MERRELL | 502-48-5104 | August 25, 1897 | March 1, 1985 | 87 years | ND | 58201 (Grand Forks, Grand Forks County) | ||||
ELLEN MERRELL | 453-24-9782 | February 2, 1897 | May 1, 1985 | 88 years | TX | 75601 (Longview, Gregg County) | ||||
BESSIE MERRELL | 244-66-5949 | February 5, 1897 | August 1, 1985 | 88 years | NC | 28739 (Hendersonville, Henderson County) | ||||
ETHEL MERRELL | 451-50-7288 | April 9, 1897 | October 1, 1986 | 89 years | TX | 75228 (Dallas, Dallas County) | ||||
CORNELIUS MERRELL | 266-12-3245 | September 23, 1897 | January 1, 1987 | 89 years | FL | 32402 (Panama City, Bay County) | ||||
LORA D MERRELL | 430-94-4201 | October 3, 1897 | October 15, 1987 | 90 years | TN | 38242 (Paris, Henry County) | ||||
SALLY R MERRELL | 263-34-1838 | September 10, 1897 | February 1, 1989 | 91 years | FL | 32428 (Chipley, Washington County) | ||||
ELLEN B MERRELL | 468-30-3184 | August 31, 1897 | March 1, 1990 | 92 years | WI | 53066 (Oconomowoc, Waukesha County) | ||||
VERNA E MERRELL | 454-03-2016 | March 25, 1897 | October 1, 1993 | 96 years | TX | 78006 (Boerne, Kendall County) | ||||
EMMA MERRELL | 388-68-1256 | June 28, 1897 | May 31, 1996 | 98 years | WI | 53208 (Milwaukee, Milwaukee County) |
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- Popularity of last name MERRELL in year 2000: 0.003% (8414 people). This puts this last name on the 4687th place on the most common names list in the USA
- Other people with last name MERRELL:
- MERRELL born in 1907
- MERRELL born in 1929
- MERRELL born in 1913
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