OHARE born in 1893 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
OHARE born in 1893 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
LESLIE OHARE | 385-07-4847 | June 9, 1893 | November 1, 1963 | 70 years | ||||||
JOHN OHARE | 023-09-1965 | September 14, 1893 | January 1, 1965 | 71 years | ||||||
ELVIRA OHARE | 478-05-3897 | February 6, 1893 | October 1, 1966 | 73 years | TX | 77024 (Bunker Hill Village, Harris County) | ||||
GEORGE OHARE | 111-03-4001 | January 14, 1893 | March 1, 1967 | 74 years | NY | 12846 (Lake Luzerne, Warren County) | ||||
GEORGE OHARE | 071-09-3182 | September 7, 1893 | June 1, 1967 | 73 years | NY | 14901 (Elmira, Chemung County) | ||||
THERESA OHARE | 019-38-3397 | February 27, 1893 | January 1, 1971 | 77 years | MA | 02113 (Boston, Suffolk County) | ||||
JOHN E OHARE | 570-24-8373 | June 22, 1893 | January 15, 1971 | 77 years | CA | 91108 (San Marino, Los Angeles County) | ||||
AGNES OHARE | 010-03-4545 | July 28, 1893 | February 1, 1971 | 77 years | RI | 02852 (North Kingstown, Washington County) | ||||
WILBUR OHARE | 503-05-4212 | May 8, 1893 | January 1, 1973 | 79 years | CA | 90640 (Montebello, Los Angeles County) | ||||
ELIZABETH OHARE | 543-14-0447 | December 13, 1893 | March 1, 1973 | 79 years | OR | 97212 (Portland, Multnomah County) | ||||
ELLA OHARE | 030-10-1256 | March 15, 1893 | September 1, 1973 | 80 years | MA | 02148 (Malden, Middlesex County) | ||||
JOHN OHARE | 331-12-0115 | March 14, 1893 | November 1, 1976 | 83 years | IL | 61068 (Rochelle, Ogle County) | ||||
FRANCES OHARE | 398-38-2890 | February 28, 1893 | December 1, 1976 | 83 years | IL | 60096 (Winthrop Harbor, Lake County) | ||||
MARY OHARE | 224-64-5645 | November 4, 1893 | October 1, 1977 | 83 years | VA | 23229 (Richmond, Richmond (city) County) | 23229 (Richmond, Richmond (city) County) | |||
MAURICE OHARE | 347-16-2190 | January 21, 1893 | October 1, 1978 | 85 years | IL | 62301 (Quincy, Adams County) | 62301 (Quincy, Adams County) | |||
MARY OHARE | 012-05-1097 | June 23, 1893 | September 1, 1979 | 86 years | MA | 02364 (Kingston, Plymouth County) | 02131 | |||
EMMA OHARE | 115-38-0092 | June 16, 1893 | June 1, 1982 | 88 years | 11354 | |||||
ETHEL OHARE | 119-18-6737 | September 15, 1893 | August 1, 1982 | 88 years | NY | 11946 (Hampton Bays, Suffolk County) | ||||
AGNES OHARE | 089-22-3364 | September 19, 1893 | May 1, 1983 | 89 years | 10461 | |||||
AGNES OHARE | 561-14-3009 | June 24, 1893 | October 1, 1983 | 90 years | CA | 91786 (Upland, San Bernardino County) | ||||
FRANCIS OHARE | 026-01-2677 | March 31, 1893 | February 1, 1984 | 90 years | MA | 02048 (Mansfield, Bristol County) | ||||
CAROLYN OHARE | 153-12-9894 | January 25, 1893 | March 1, 1986 | 93 years | NJ | 07110 (Nutley, Essex County) | ||||
JOHN J OHARE | 109-20-3513 | December 16, 1893 | June 23, 1988 | 94 years | 11228 | |||||
HELEN B OHARE | 551-12-3936 | January 20, 1893 | December 10, 1988 | 95 years | CO | 81520 (Clifton, Mesa County) | ||||
ALICE R OHARE | 069-14-8963 | February 2, 1893 | April 24, 1990 | 97 years | ||||||
IDA M OHARE | 545-44-0858 | September 4, 1893 | May 22, 1991 | 97 years | CA | 95109 (San Jose, Santa Clara County) | ||||
LORETTA OHARE | 075-26-6681 | October 29, 1893 | November 1, 1993 | 100 years | CT | 06514 (Hamden, New Haven County) |
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- Popularity of last name OHARE in year 2000: 0.002% (5065 people). This puts this last name on the 7008th place on the most common names list in the USA
- Other people with last name OHARE:
- OHARE born in 1913
- OHARE born in 1897
- OHARE born in 1919
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LocateAncestors.com does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Use at your own risk.